
Lawmakers want progress on biometric airport IDs
CNN reports, "The [U.S.] Transportation Security Administration still is experimenting with biometric identification systems..."
U.S. May Get a Privacy Czar
Wired News reports, "Congressional representatives introduce a bill that would require the federal government to create a chief privacy officer position. Every federal department and agency also would get a privacy head."


New biometric approach secures ID cards
New Scientist reports, "A novel biometric identification system could counter many of the objections to ID card schemes such as the one being proposed by the UK government.


Biometric ID card trial kicks off in Glasgow
The Register reports, "The biometric enrolement process which will underpin the UK ID card scheme went on trial in Scotland today."


Lawmakers Push Agency to Develop ID Cards
AP reports, "The government must move faster to develop high-tech ID cards that could prevent armed terrorists from boarding a plane by posing as airport workers or law officers, lawmakers said Wednesday."
Belgium unveils 'fake-proof' biometric passports
Expatica reports, "The documents include a special microchip that contains 'biometric' information about the their owner..."
Poll suggests ID card backlash
BBC reports, "A survey suggests that some people would be prepared to go to prison rather than register for an ID card."


Data Scant for Watchlist Usage
Wired News' Ryan Singel reports, "Nearly six months after the CIA and FBI made a watchlist of 120,000 suspected terrorists available to law enforcement agencies and airline screeners, little is known about its use or how a name can be removed."


Vietnam Adopts New Policies for Net Users
AP reports, "Web surfers in Vietnam must abide by a number of new policies and restrictions, which come following a crackdown on cyber dissidents who used the Internet to speak out against the communist government, state-controlled media reported...Personal identification information must now be presented before logging on and will be stored for 30 days on computer servers, and all Internet activity will be tracked, according to the An Ninh The Gioi (World's Security) newspaper, the mouthpiece of the Ministry of Public Security."
RFID: The tags that would not die
Silicon.com reports, "Businesses are all too keen to talk up the potential of radio frequency ID (RFID) while privacy campaigners are similarly vocal..."


Fight against terrorism tops EU-US agenda
EUobserver reports, "However the US-imposed deadline of October 2004 for the inclusion of biometric data on passports remains a thorny issue."


Bank tests Bluetooth-based biometric ID system
ComputerWeekly.com reports, "The Bank of America has started testing a Bluetooth-based, biometric customer identification system that uses the short-range wireless technology."


RFID Implants for Spanish Revelers - Slashdot
We are not responsible for them in any way. Loved it, loved the music, loved the food, still wouldn't get RFID to pay for drinks.


Contractor UK: Terror crackdown
"Home Secretary, David Blunkett, believes a compulsory ID card containing personal and biometric data will reduce the threat of terrorism..."