
My Way News: "Wal-Mart Using 'Smart' Label Technology"
Wired News: Biometric IDs OK With UK
"About 80 percent of 1,000 British adults recently surveyed say they want
a biometric identification card..."
Massachusetts Town Becomes 300th Jurisdiction to Denounce Patriot Act
One World reports, "The tiny Martha's Vineyard hamlet of Tisbury, Massachusetts, this week became the 300th local or state government to denounce the USA Patriot Act, even as President George W. Bush was campaigning for Congress to make the Act permanent before its expiration next year. Tinsbury's voters Tuesday joined New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago - the country's three biggest metropolises among others - in approving a resolution condemning provisions of the Act as threats to basic civil liberties.


The FBI's listening to your keystrokes - Declan McCullagh, CNet News
"The FBI is trying to convince the government to mandate that providers of broadband, Internet telephony, and instant-messaging services build in backdoors for easy wiretapping. That would constitute a sweeping expansion of
police surveillance powers."


Bush: Renew Patriot Act or Else - Wired News
It's a vital tool in the war on terror, says the Prez. If Congress doesn't renew the Patriot Act's hefty law-enforcement powers, he claims the legislators will put the nation at risk of attack. Republicans as well as Dems disagree.



Tagging Along - Tech Central Station
RFID, "radio frequency tags," not only will revolutionize the retail industry but will also affect much of our everyday life.


System Can Detect Fraudulent Passports - AP
Australia, one of the United States' strongest allies, has added a new weapon to its arsenal - a toaster-sized document reader that tells in seconds whether a passport is a fraud and identifies travelers who might be included on terrorist
watch lists.


Groups Slam Google's New E-Mail Service - AP
Google Inc. hails its new e-mail service as a breakthrough in online communication, but consumer watchdogs are attacking it as a creepy invasion of privacy that threatens to set a troubling precedent...Gmail opponents also want Google to revise a policy that entitles the company to retain copies of people's incoming and outgoing e-mail even after they close their accounts...The Gmail backlash has inspired Orwellian comparisons likening Google to Big Brother, a disturbing development for a privately held company committed to making money "without doing evil."


Busch Gardens Using Hand Scanners to ID - AP
Hand scanning has taken the place of photo identification for season-pass holders at Busch Gardens and Water Country USA...The process, called biometrics, uses electronic devices to verify identity by recognizing unique characteristics such as fingerprints, hands, and the iris of the eye. The technology is used widely in verification systems at airports and security-sensitive facilities. At airports, biometric systems are typically linked to a national database, which has enabled airlines to do background checks, but critics have raised privacy concerns.
Concern over biometric passports - BBC News
Civil rights campaigners have voiced concerns over plans to implement a global biometric identity system for air travellers.


Passport Safety, Privacy Face Off - Wired
Future passports may include digital mug shots and RFID tags full of sensitive personal information. While government agencies like the idea of tamper resistant documents, privacy advocates see an attempt to impose a global ID system.